Next time you feel like brightening up your window area, why not get arty? Some of these craft ideas are just for the grown ups, whilst others are great fun for the kids…
Stained glass painting
Faux stained glass is a fantastic project to try yourself or with the kids. Begin by cleaning and drying the window thoroughly. First, remove all dust and dirt to ensure you have a good base to work with.
Next, choose your paint. There’s a huge variety of products available on the market. You’ll find different colours, finishes and consistencies. Just make sure you choose paint that’s suitable for working on glass. If you want your art to last, remember to use permanent paint. For temporary kids’ projects, choose child-friendly paint that washes off glass easily. Some paints may require the windowpane to be removed, so keep this in mind when shopping for supplies.
If you want to create a specific design or pattern, draw it first on a piece of translucent paper. Use a bold, black marker then tape the paper to the outside of the window. As the light shines through the paper, you should be able to trace your pattern on the inside of the glass.
Tissue paper mosaics
If ‘stained glass painting’ sounds a little too messy, try tissue paper mosaics instead. First purchase a selection of different coloured tissue papers. You’ll also need some craft glue. Make sure the glue is suitable for kids if they’re taking part.
Cut the tissue paper into different shapes. You could use scissors for this or simply tear it with your fingers. Lay two pieces side by side so they slightly overlap, then glue along the join. Continue doing this until you have a sheet large enough to cover your window. Another option is to purchase a piece of clear plastic and glue the tissue directly onto the surface. Lastly, fix your tissue paper mosaic over the window. As the sun shines in, it will light up the paper, creating a faux stained glass effect.
Coloured gems
This is a project for the grown ups and is a great way of creating your own obscured glass. First, purchase some coloured glass beads or gems. Remove your windowpane and lay it down on a flat surface. If you have a specific design in mind, it’s a good idea to mark it out with faint pen lines first. Then take your gems and glue them onto the inside of the windowpane.
One option is to use craft glue to stick each gem individually. Another is to lay the gems out first, then pour a resin over the top. Make sure to do your research to help you to achieve the look you want. Whatever product you use, ensure that it will dry clear so that the light can shine through the gems. This is a great option for bathroom windows.
However, keep in mind that the gems may not fully obscure the glass. To fully obscure your windows, consider using a ‘frosted’ effect film under the gems.
[Photo by aitoff]