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Condensation is one of those problems that affects any property, regardless of how old it is. However, there are things that can be done to combat it.

First of all, it is useful to understand what condensation is and how it is caused. Condensation comes from the moisture in the air. The temperature of the air impacts how much moisture it can hold. Warm air contains more moisture and so when the weather is warmer, the air comes into contact with either a colder surface or cooler air. The warm air is then unable to hold onto that same amount of moisture as it did and releases water into the cold air or onto the colder surface and this causes condensation to form. The real problem then occurs when mould forms.

There are many unavoidable things that we do on a day-to-day basis that cause condensation to build up. Cooking, drying clothes and central heating all produce water vapour, which leads to condensation. Further problems can be caused when structural defects in your home result in high moisture content. For example, this happens when older buildings (such as period homes) don’t have sufficient ventilation in place or damp-proof course (DPC). Even more modern houses can suffer from bridged DPCs or damaged guttering.

What you can do about condensation

So the question is, what can you do about condensation? The good news is that there are ways it can be controlled. Here are a few tips:

  • Install extractor fans. The kitchen and bathroom are often the best places to install extractor fans. Also, try to remember to keep the doors of these rooms shut when you have the fans on.
  • Have good insulation. This means that the internal walls will be kept at an ideal temperature called ‘dew point’ that prevents condensation happening – or as much as is possible, at least.
  • Make sure that you have good ventilation. The best type of ventilation is a heat-recovery ventilation unit. What this will do is replace the damp air in your home with fresh air via a separate grille. This all takes place in the heat exchanger and is quite a sophisticated way of keeping condensation at bay! If that option is too expensive, you could also invest in a central extract system. This connects the wet areas in your home to a central fan and lets out the stale, moist air.

We hope you have found these tips helpful! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for more information on our services here at Unicorn Windows, where we can also advise on issues such as condensation.

(Photo by Karen Roe)