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10 tips for squeaky clean windows

With the new season just around the corner, why not get an early grip on your spring cleaning chores with these great window cleaning tips!

1. Weather Watch: Clean your windows when it is cloudy outside. Although you can see the marks and dirt on your windows when it is bright out, washing them when it’s sunny can make the glass dry too quickly, leaving streaks.

2. DIY Cleaning Solution: This homemade chemical free window cleaner works wonders! Just add one part water to one part vinegar and put it in a spray bottle. Adding a dash of washing up liquid to vinegar and water will remove the built up grime.

3. Buff Up: Buffing your dry windows (or mirrors) with newspaper will bring out a lovely shine. The soy based printers ink on the paper makes your glass sparkle.

4. Hot Soapy Water: A simple solution of hot water and washing up liquid is a power cleaning product. The de-greaser in the detergent works a treat to dissolve any grime on your windows.

5. Get a Squeegee: A quick way to get your windows cleaned is by using one of these. Start at the top of your window and work it down in an ‘S’ shape, make sure that you wipe it off regularly with a cloth when cleaning your glass, so not to transfer dirty water to other parts of the window causing smears.

6. Clean Your Windows Twice a Year: You will be surprised at how much dirt and grime builds up on your windows, so cleaning them at least twice a year will really make a big difference. It will make your rooms look brighter and lighter!

7. Use a Leather Chamois: These are great for absorbing excess water, thus cutting down on smears. You could also use a microfiber cloth; these will work just as well. Don’t forget to dry your windowsill as you go.

8. DIY Cleaner: If your glass has greasy marks, which is more than likely with your kitchen windows, you could try making this robust cleaner. Simply add 2 tablespoons of household ammonia and 2 tablespoons of vinegar to a bucket of warm water. Before you begin cleaning your windows, ensure that there are no cobwebs or dust in the corners or in the slats of your blinds, use a small brush or duster to remove any dust and debris build-up.

9. For Mildew Problems: A great mould buster can be made using 2 parts bleach, 1 part laundry detergent and then adding it to a quarter filled bucket of water. Always protect your hands when using this solution by wearing rubber gloves. Begin by gently sponging on the solutions to mildew spots on your sills and corners of your frames. Let the solution work its magic for around ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly with clean warm water, and dry.

We’re positive these little tips and tricks will do a wonderful job in keeping those windows sparkly clean.