Period properties are enduringly popular with buyers of all ages. From Victorian terraced houses to Georgian townhouses, from country cottages to rural manors – period features and classic architectural consistently style come right at the top of the housing wish list.
Though period properties are elegantly designed and beautiful to look at, they’re not always practical. Often, original windows will be draughty and poorly insulated, making homes cold, loud, and expensive to run. Changing these windows can help to transform the feel of a property, however, many homeowners fear that new windows will look out of place on their traditional building.
The eyes of the house
As Period Living says, “Windows play a vital role in defining the character of a period property. Key components of overall appearance, they are inextricably linked with architectural style.” Therefore, ensuring that your new windows complement the look of your period property is essential. Luckily, there are a number of modern windows available that have been designed to suit period homes. Taking inspiration from traditional designs, these stylish windows will blend in with the look of your property and ensure your home keeps its character.
Look for quality
The key to finding new windows that suit an older property is quality. Original windows were usually made to a high standard, so if you install cheap, poorly designed replacements, they will stand out a mile. Instead, try to invest in good quality frames and panes. The more carefully your new windows have been crafted and the higher the quality of the materials used, the more chance they’ll have of blending in with your home’s appearance.
Be sympathetic
If you want your new windows to look good on your period property, you need to make sure you choose a style that suits your home’s character. This is especially important if you live in a terraced house as your new windows will stand out even more if the style’s not right. Try to find a design that reflects the look of your original windows. If your property doesn’t have original windows, look to your neighbours’ homes for inspiration or take a look online.
Traditional windows on new homes
If you have a new property and want to add some character to the building, you may be considering installing older style windows. Done well, this can look fantastic, though it’s a good idea to look for windows that have a contemporary twist to ensure they blend in with the architectural style of your home.
To learn more about replacing your windows, or to see some of the designs available, take a look through our galleries, or contact a member of our team.